NEW CHITOSE 30 Seconds Animation

Imagine your film showcased on a 295-inch large-scale video display screen and digital signage in a bustling public space for up to a month at New Chitose Airport, which boasts approximately 22 million users yearly!
Organizers and Purpose
The New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival 2024 is organized by the New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival Executive Committee and managed by the Festival Office.
In addition to the official selection on theater, we are introducing a new category, “30 Seconds Animation ,” as part of this film festival. This category will be broadcast throughout New Chitose Airport, inviting a broader audience to appreciate original artistic expression that values experimental components. The selected films will be broadcast for a specific period on digital signage throughout the airport facility, as well as the 295-inch video display screen on the second floor of the domestic terminal at New Chitose Airport. One of these films will receive the award during the festival.
New Chitose Airport boasts approximately 22 million annual users and is a hub for the world’s latest films. As a guidepost to inspire further versatility in animation expression, its potential will provide an outlet for all creators.
This photo is for illustrative purposes.
Duration of broadcasting
From October 6 to November 5, 2024 (Scheduled)
Submission period
- From April 22 to July 20, 2024
Submission requirements
- ●Submissions must be animated works completed in or after 2022.
- ●Each film must be 30 seconds or less, including time-loop film.
- ●The video format must have a 1:1 aspect ratio and a resolution of at least 1080p.
- ●Films that violate public order, morality, and other laws and regulations in Japan (e.g., the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums, the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act) will not be accepted.
- ●The director or the producer of the film or the entrant must hold the right to screen the film submitted, and all rights to screen the work must have been secured.
- ●Entrants must obtain permission from rights holders for the music and all other elements used in their films before submission. The festival office assumes no responsibility for copyright violations, compensation for damage or other claims from third parties.
- ●Films already available online may also be submitted.
Submission methods
- ●There is no entry fee.
- ●Applicants should complete the online application form on the official website or “Film Freeway” by entering information about the film and director.
- ●Upload a still (300 dpi, jpg or png) from the film. These will be used on the official festival website, flyers and other advertising materials.
- ●The film must be made available for Internet streaming. Films submitted as files, downloads, or dead links will be disqualified.
Selection and Notice
The selection committee of Short Films will decide the
selection of this category. Please see the page of “Team NEW CHITOSE” for information on Selection Committee members.
The results of the selection will be notified directly to the applicants by e-mail and will also be announced on the official website.
- ●30 Seconds Animation: Mid of September, 2024
Broadcasting of the selected films
●During the designated period, the selected films will be broadcast on digital signage and the 295-inch video display screen at New Chitose Airport, along with information about the film (title, artist’s name, etc.) and the festival. Please note that some signage does not have audio. The example of broadcast format is as follows.
- ●The broadcast frequency will be once an hour, if not more, depending on the display medium.
- ●Please note that no monetary compensation will be made to applicants whose films are broadcast.
- ●Applicants of the selected work should use the storage service and send us the video material within one week of being notified. You will receive the detailed specifications of the video material with your notification.
- ●Selected applicants in this category will receive a laurel and selection certificate. Please contact our office if you wish to stay at the Air Terminal Hotel in New Chitose Airport during the festival. Details will be given upon the notification of the film selection.
The festival will elect Jury members. The Jury may present the following awards as a result of deliberation during the festival.
- ■ Award, Extra prizes
- ●Best 30 Seconds, memento
- ●Upon being selected, artists agree to allow the festival staff to use, post, reprint, and publicly transmit information about their films, such as the film title, still and artist’s profile text, for the publicity of the film festival.
- ●No questions or objections to judgment results (such as requests for the disclosure of selection details or reasons for not being selected) will be accepted.
- ●By submitting a film through FilmFreeway, the applicant agrees to these guidelines. Please read these guidelines carefully before submitting your application.
The email address shown below can be used to request further information or ask questions about submissions.